Richard Lister: Be Like A Viking

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Quantum… Yup… Quantum

It’s been a while, right?


Well in me updates, I’ve finished the first manuscript of ‘The Book of Runic Astrology’. It’s currently with my editor.


Do you want insight as to how the publishing process works? If so, I’ll keep sharing.


So, that should manuscript should be back with jobs for me to change before going to the content and copy editors. But in all fairness that won’t happen before the new year. As I’ve got other projects to do. And normal people take Yule off.


I’ve not been up to much, as the last month of a project is always challenging for me. It’s how my brain works. I’d spent the previous five months getting my ducks in a row for how I’d perceived the book was going to look. And now I’m tired.


What I’ve been doing:


Reading: rubbish fiction, by a guy called Griff Hosker , and ‘The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F***


Watching: Stutz on Netflix, and the Halo Series. Both very different. I completely recommend Stutz, the Halo series, not so much.


Listening to: Sam Rider, (I love a Eurovision tune, and his cover of Set You Free is epic). And Brothers of Metal (Cheesy Nordic Anthemic Metal).


Back to book stuff.


When the vast majority of the word for the book were on the screen the whole structure of the book changes. It morphs, adapts, and becomes its own thing. It changes from what it started out as quite a bit. This much more so for Runes made easy and the Book of Runic Astrology. Radical Rest is much more of a science brain book, and followed a very set path, as I wrote it while still working clinically.


This morphic energy of the book plays into how I view the world. I see the world as everything has energy, a soul a purpose. Each entity with the energy of life, Ond in the old Nordic view, Prana in Hindu, Awan in Celtic. This is how my books take shape, and more so the more practiced I get at it.

So, right now, my editor is adding her energy to my book. This means that the quantum entanglement is big with this kind of work.


Well with any collaborative work.


Everyone who works on it tangles their energy with the book. From the artists who made the cover, to Lisa who bounced ideas with me. The ancient Vikings who carved the original runes, Kezia who is editing now, me who put the words on the screen, you are reading this, and my future editors, type setters and designers. All this energy goes into making the entity that is The Book of Runic Astrology.  


This phrase, Quantum Entanglement, is one that is bumped around in fringe science, and metaphysical circles. The old Vikings had a different word for it. The Wyrd. The Greeks called it the Fates. In crude terms, its energy from everything interacting with other energies. Like mine is interacting with yours right now as you read this.

It's how remote readings and energy healing works. This sounds kind of Marvel-esque right now, but The Wyrd, and Quantum space exist in our universe in a way that pays no heed to time and space. The connection to Halfdan the Viking in the Haga Sophia in 980ad is just as real as the connection we have now. So, me sitting in my office in Hampshire can affect your energies wherever you sit during a session. And vice versa. It’s kind of one of the premises behind Hoodoo and Witchcraft spells. Though those are not my forte.  Or indeed reiki healing or other energy healing.


Now I’ve primed you, I’m offering my sessions again, as I’ve got mental and energetic space now the hard job of writing is out of the way. I’m good at helping you connect to you. To bring your energies into coherence around you, your path, and plans. This reduces anxiety and depression, plus helps in all aspects of life.


To get help with helping you feel more you, more connected to yourself, purpose, and direction, hit reply and let me know. Or press the button.






Runic Astrology.


It’s been a while. So, let’s get back on it. This Starts on Monday and moves through the week. To find your Sunna (The Sun) Rune click here. ( If your birth rune comes up there is more power there for you, so pay attention.




Not so much going on, Aegir (Neptune) is going direct after his wandering, so you’re going to notice that things are becoming clearer. As he likes to muddy the waters when he is not paying attention. This is a theme for the next couple of weeks, expanding clarity.




Odinn and Thor (Jupiter) are not seeing eye to eyes, Odin (Mercury) is bringing Jera energy and Thor (Jupiter) Berkanan energy. Odin (Mercury) is wanting to make sure that words and contracts have a pay out for you before the Yule period and Thor (Jupiter) is wanting to bring his expansiveness and abundance energy into the cave for the winter. If you are trying to get your needs met, double check contracts and written words, and make sure you’ve gone into the darkness of the unknown to find all the things. As when you do its going to be bigger than you expected, or indeed easier.



Today brings Freya (Venus) and Odin (Mercury) making lovey eyes at each other over the breakfast table. Odin (Mercury) and Freya (Venus) both brining the Jera vibes. So today, look to where your passion and verve can help you get your harvest, or pay through language and communication. Don’t be afraid to get your flirt or fury on, this will make things easier.


Odin (Mercury) and Manni (The Moon) are working well today, this is good as Odin (Mercury) is bringing the Jara, and Manni (The Moon) the Mannaz energy. Look. The beginning of this week is deffo telling you to look to where your words and language falls. Pay attention to the nuances of communication. Especially around feelings of personal power and autonomy today.




Freya (Venus) and Thor (Jupiter) are not seeing eye to eye particularly. Thor (Jupiter) in Berkanan and Freya (Venus) brining Othala vibes. Whatever is going on with family today, get your head of the sand and make the phone call. Don’t text. Phone, and use your passion. This will sort it. Or at least help it on its way.


Sunna (The Sun) and Tyr (Mars) are not happy today. Sunna (The Sun) in Isaz energy and Tyr (Mars) in Othala. Your personal growth and direction may well feel confused today, as your sense of right and wrong may well be frozen in a direction that does not suit the homely vibes you are faced with. Spend some time thawing out your personal bias and examining it. It may be that it’s not set in stone after all.





Freya (Venus) and Manni (The Moon) are thick as thieves today. Freya (Venus) bringing Jera energy and Manni (The Moon) Mannaz. Look to where you can use your emotions and passions to find your rewards. The more passionate, and emotional you feel the more power you will bring to get your just deserts. But remember don’t be a dick.



There you go. Back at it.

Have a good one.

Big love



Rich xxx

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Runic Star Paths December 22 Rich Lister