Richard Lister: Be Like A Viking

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Fence and Sun Codes

This week has been an experience, with interesting emotions and long distance drives, and putting up fences.


Not emotional fences, physical ones, that are made from wood and metal.


So what has the world taught me this week? I started the week/year in Glastonbury on the equinox. I kind of feel this is the start of the year, as stuff starts to grow more.


Baby lambs and goats appear. Magically. New shoots come through and the bluebells are starting to sprout. The farm where we get our milk from has, literally this morning put their cows out to graze, as the ground can now support them. Life is returning to the dormant world around me. I guess its similar where you are? Unless you are in Australia, in which case… umm… wait six months and read this?


New light brings new sun codes hitting our bodies, and this helps our nervous system and the rest of our biology too. Getting outside, in my case leaving the office, and getting sun codes on our skin allows us to receive the energy the sun wants us to have. It’s no mistake that in lots cultures the sun is the giver of all life.


‘Cause, the sun fuels the vegies we, and everything else on the planet, eat. Those veggies grow with the sun codes embedded into their very cells. This happens as they are fuelled through the sun’s rays and they grow. The animals that eat the veggies, in turn get the codes downloaded into their systems, and their systems are activated by the same sun that the veggies were activated by. So their cells take on the same programming. Then the animals that eat the grazers, then take on those codes. We are omnivores, unlike say the lion or wolf, and we can get the codes direct from source, by being outside, through one layer of interpretation, via veggies and a little further along, via meat. You know Chinese whispers? When you start with a message and end up with something slightly different. This is what happens if we eat too much meat. The coded message we get does not correspond with the message we get from the sun, so our bodies don’t respond to the ecology we find ourselves in very effectively. Even more so when we eat processed food, as the codes are quite literally scrubbed out.


Why am I saying this? Well, in our current world there is a good amount of strife and conflict. To be honest there always has been, we just know about it more now. To help ourselves become resilient and powerful in the world we need to look to where are nurturing ourselves with food. Our bodies build themselves with the food we give them. Reading the codes in the food. The cosmic energy has influenced how those foods have grown, via the sun, and they are there to nourish us. As we in turn nourish them when we die.


My actionable from this is to grow some veg. Veg to eat. In the uk its probably time to stick some rocket, spinach and kale seeds in the propagator. And stick it on the windowsill. That way they get the codes they need to grow, and we get to eat them. I’m not going to tell you how to do this. As I’m not actually doing it. Lisa is. You Tube is your friend.


Making sure we are adapting to the ecology we find ourselves in is a very primitive part of our bodies systems. I call them rune codes, that’s because I like runes. You can call them lemurian rays, or celestial coding, or cosmic imprinting, choose what works for you. Picking up on the subtle cosmic codes, that come through to you, and letting your body tell you what is needed is powerful magic. Sometimes a greasy burger may be what is need, other times a salad grown from your garden may be what is needed. Or just a few leaves from your window box. Trust the energies coming through you. I know it’s easier said than done, and that implementing such changes can be hard. But it is worth it. Honest.

Feeling into the Runic codes/Sun codes energies allows me to make better decisions about how I act and how I interact with people, institutions, and myself. Have a go, see what the sun codes on your skin feels like, and see what you can grow in a small box on your windowsill.


Are you growing stuff? Do you have secret to help me (Lisa) grow awesome veg? What are the sun codes calling up in your experience of the world?


The photo is me looking epic by the gate I hung. I am so awesome.