Richard Lister: Be Like A Viking

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I’m a movie star…

Hi awesome Human!


I hope you are good and well?

Me I’m tired. I’ve spent the week filming my online course for Runes Made Easy, (if you’ve not got it yet, you can get it here. I’m not uber experienced with filming things, beyond my computer or phone, and the movie stuff I’ve done is more me as an extra!

So being the ‘Talent’ in this respect is new to me. It feels like a egoic thing to say! Ha! We, the team from Hay House and I, plus the Film team, and make-up and Hair (Spoiler alert: My hair was not a big job!). were in an 13th century farmhouse in bath, in front of a fire place. 

Now, those of you who live in hot countries, like, the USA, or Australia, or the Med, will think that 28degrees C, (85f) is ok. In the Uk its unpleasant. I don’t know why, there must be some science to it. I was warm! 

I had a super fun time recording the course. And I’ve learned lots! I’ve learned that being in block colour as a six foot seven ‘husky’ guy is a lot of one colour. I’ve learned that wool waistcoats are not the most cooling thing. I’ve learned that studio lights are ridiculously warm. And speaking constantly to a camera for five hours is hard work, even though it sounds like its not! 

I’ve learned that writing for an autocue / teleprompter is a very different skill set than writing a book. There are lots of nuances that I did not know about before actually recording. I’ve learned that having a single bright thing draws the eye hugely on camera. Like a glittery crystal on a black shirt.

I’ve also learned that I loved doing it, I love speaking in front of people and I love doing this magical energetic work!

I realised that when I walked onto set, and got someone putting wires up my front, and attaching a box to my belt, and shadowy figures behind a light shouting suggestions and directions can and did unsettle me.

What excited me had forgotten was my basics. Basics are only good if you do them.

So, what I did what roll back to the basics.

The breath.

The connection to myself

The connection to my gods and goddesses

And the connection to my purpose and work.

The first two bring me into my body. The second three bring me into alignment with what I’m doing. This made it so much easier to do what I needed to-do, what I’d committed to do.

I used my runes to guide my in how I presented. I used my connection to the gods and goddesses to help me rally when flagging and my connection to my body to know when to push and when to pull back.

The basics have the power to root me into what I’m doing at any one time. I do them as it sit in front of my computer now. I do them when I get stressed with the traffic.

Buidling a connection vibration with myself and the cosmic frequency builds power in me. And I want you to have that power too! 

So, what I’m going to-do is launch on the full moon, the sign up for my new introduction course, Sigr.

Sigr brings teachings and spiritual learnings from the dark ages into the world of now. To help you to connect to your roots, power, and path to victory.

What you’ll get:

-       Ancient rituals for connecting to the gods and goddesses

-       Powerful rooted mysteries to connect to your own energies

-       Practical victory inducing tools for your life

-       Two deep Under the Cloak Meditations that will foster your personal spiritual root growth

This will come in the form of three videos (also audios) of about half an hour for you to learn the rituals and magic to attune your vibration to that of the cosmic pulse that brings your victory. And two attunement building Under The Cloak meditations.

Under the Cloak meditations are designed to activate energy pathways within your soul, spirt, body, mind, and fate to attract the threads of the universal vibration that brings the victorious energy that you require, no, not require, deserve.

I want to get you signed up. So you can practice the meditations and rituals while you are doing summer as it can be ‘stressful’. And I want you to be able to access this vibrational power that will root you into your experience on this world. To help you find your victory within your experience.

Sign up Here

As for the Runic Astrology, here it is.


Manni is in the energy of Nauthiz, and Loki is down with this vibration. Look to where you are lacking in your experience of the world. Where do you NEED to take action to achieve your thing? If you’ve read the rest of the email, you’ll see where I’m going. Where are you going with Loki and Manni pushing you? Bring optimism with your Loki powers today! Use this energy to build the next step, as Manni gets bored and wanders off, so don’t do the whole thing now.


Manni is bringing frozen vibes here, more Glittering distraction than ‘let it go’. And This is annoying Freya whos vibing on the cusp of Othala and Dagaz. Look to where your relationships can grow and mature, more mature than evolve here. There may well be a divine relationship that needs to be built here. Look for more understanding with what is being left unsaid or hidden by fancy words. Keep your language simple, and clear. That way you will both have victory. The medicine here is in the clarity and saying the truth, don’t honey your words. Freya will not have that and will punch you in the eye. 


Tir wants you to act today. He likes to make things go and be in movement. So use this energy to action and motivate yourself to join the thing, launch the thing or have the conversation. Odin is in Fehu and clever use of your words, or following a leader you trust will bring abundance. Urd and Odin are on the same page, so deffo choose the life development path.


Manni is full in Eihwaz today, in the evening my time, and is Super. He likes being super. Bringing his gaze onto you, and he is especially bringing energy to you if your Sun Rune is Eihwaz, Jera or Peroth. He wants to see what you are letting go off, that’s why he is so big. He is spying. Eihwaz is a working rune, used to make bows, and fire pots, and poison. Look to where your work energy needs to change.

Again, I’m starting a course process this week. This Eihwaz and Manni energy likes a sequence here, as Loki is bringing guidance and path marking energy with Sowolio. Use it. Follow your path that comes clear as you drop the stuff that you don’t need or want. If you don’t know what that stuff is… ask, with a glass of something, and it will become clear to you.

Odin and Sunna are both here to bring abundance to you, so use your magic and words to follow that pathway. Draw a card or rune to find out how.

Both Mirmir and Manni are in Peroth, if you are up to ‘adult’ experiences today, don’t stay surface with what you are doing, go deep with the emotions and build that connection. Buy building connection you will increase your luck moving into the next week. Don’t be afraid to sacrifice your experience to enhance your partners, this will cause lots of luck. Mirmir likes this.


Manni and Thor are sulking, this energy is a double check on the paths you started on Sunday. So make sure you are in action, and that you are on course. Not accusatory, but more a motivational slap on the back by someone with poor concept of their own power, and way too much enthusiasm.  

If you’ve not actioned the thing you were doing yet, do it now, even in a small way.

Manni and Odin are also not speaking, so be soft in your messages today. Especially around boundaries and money. People may need softly leading today, or there may be a money or reputation trigger in a conversation.


Manni and Loki are in Sowlio, lets get on the path to your victory today. You know all those little things that you think are signs from the gods? Today they are. Old habits that do not work for you can be burned today. See them, see where they are speed bumps in your path. Burn them.


Urd and Northir are both in the energy of Laguz, let the tides take the toxic, the blocks and the problems from you. Release it all to the depths of the ocean, let the sea take it all. That fear feeling? It’s the orgasm of creation waiting to happen. Let go of the old pattern or behaviour. It’s something you don’t have to put up with.


Manni is in Tiwaz, this is softer action energy, and together with Freya it’s a day to build and nurture relationships, and probably a new one or two. Look to the values and dynamics here. Look to where you can lift this new person up and where they lift you up. Maybe someone you know already that you both discover a new aspect in them that you’ve both not seen, or vice versa. Sunna and Odin are both in the powerhouse of Uruz. Your words and magic today will have power, especially if your Sun rune is Uruz, Naudiz or Berkanan.  


Act on that force today, you’ve got power, magically, vocaly emotional , and in your path of life.


See you next week!

Ps Sign up for Sigr.