Richard Lister: Be Like A Viking

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I’m super tired, so this may not make sence.

Hi Awesome Human.

I hope life is good for you right now?

In my car I have a sticker that says ‘Smooth is fast’ Lisa mocks me for it, as it makes no sense.

The full thing is ‘Slow Is Smooth, Smooth is Fast’ it’s from a, I think, US navy seal training thing. Meaning if you do it slowly so the action is smooth it becomes fast. Not rushing and getting it wrong. Taking time and doing the process slowly and smoothly is a powerful thing. 

We’ve just driven from the UK to Southern France. This to Europeans is a long way, I know you Ausies and USAinians think 600 miles /1000km is no distance, to us it is! Its literally the length of the UK!

This ‘Do it Smooth’ mentality really helped as we moved through the ferry port, and onto continental Europe. If you don’t know the UK drives on the other side of the road than most of the rest of the world. Adjusting my thinking to fit that off the world around me, especially as we got up early, at silly o-clock was an experiance.

A few thousand other tourist bomb burst from the ports and as we headed south, we saw mainly British cars. We kept it slow and smooth, and our bear car ate up the miles.

Its big, old and slow, doing 110km/hr about 65-66mph is its limit. And France has a 130km limit, we were not the most popular road users.

Slow is Smooth.

Where our car excels is small roads and rough roads, and when we went to find places to sleep, or explore, nothing gets in our way.

Smooth is Fast. 

So, keeping our energy and focus levels up is important. By keeping everything as simple as possible.

I love a road trip, but this one was a little too much to do over a couple of days.

So when we stopped at our first major destination we made sure self-care was up there on things I needed. All the hydration.

Sleep. Sleep and more sleep.

So that is what I’m doing right now. Well, not right now. Taking it slow and smooth, and getting some rest.

Now for the Astro.


Tiw and Norri the Dwarf energy today. Brings surprises and unexpected events. This is one of tthoes big Astro events, that is both subtle and brutal. It started on Sunday evening, and the effects are going to roll on for a couple of days.

As you go through life ask yourself ‘What are the learnings from this event?’ This will help the potential harshness or pain of the events are softened considerably.

For all this week Make sure you learn the spiritual, physical and mental lessons. Remember we are on this earth doing the best we can, and this does not shield us from the effects of others. Connect to own higher self and higher truths to ensure that their BS slides straight off you.

This energy will pulse for a few days. So, ride that wave.

There is opportunities energy flowing from Sunna flowing through the lens of Thurizaz. This energy brings great power and focus. So use that to get through the Narley Norri and Tyr energy.

Its Lammas today, all the creation today. The structure and presentation of this energy is driven by intent for what you want to create. What we sow, what we reap.

Tiw and Urd are together as well use this vibration to develop understanding of your physical.

Root down here.


Thor is asking us to review our energy, and Manni is trying to balance it out. Today look at what you’ve learned and how you can apply it. In life.

Manni and Freya are bickering, there may be swift family dramas, that can be delt with and moved on.

Loki and Manni are friends, where is there freedom for all the energies. So look at where there are structure or systems in your life that are falling away. Maybe you could push them?

Myrmir is building energy of Eihwaz. He asks the question what collective energy do you need? If there are energies in your life that do not serve, get rid of them.



Manni is asking you to become more analytical, so bring some energy into you field so you can focus, and not pick up what you don’t want.

Odin is anasuz, bringing all that learning and magic energy to build your vibrational power. 


Look what is hidden, that is what Thursday brings. Loki is just starting in Sowolio, and this energy is trying to pull you onto your path.


Moon square sun, with Urd. Look what you are saying with platitudes. Maybe big revelations coming today.



Tiw and Manni are going to be causing problems. All the repressed stuff may come up. In not present ways. Uncomfortable convocations, maybe internal ones. Maybe a burnout kind of energy.


Manni shifts to Freya and Aegir energy. All the illusion, and confusion, maybe some fairy tale type energy. It’s a karmic end to the week to life you up, to make life clear. Remove the filter.


I’m super tired.


Going for a nap


Big love


Rich  xxx