Richard Lister: Be Like A Viking

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I’ve got a bug, why its the suns fault and humble brags.

Hi Radiant one,


I hope you are good?


My week has been a bit of slow one this week, I caught a virus and have been a little fatigued. So, life has been a little bit slow. All the vitamin d, vit c, magnesium and zinc. Plus loads of water. That will teach me to gallivant off to Wales!


In humble brag news, I’m starting to develop wait list for my birth rune readings and my soul map readings. I’m booked up for the next week, and the following week is getting busy too! To make sure you are getting the energy you require for your reading. Please make sure you get your space booked.  I want to help as many people as I can with my soul map readings and I feel that they are super useful guides for looking to where you need to focus energies on to heal, grow and be epic. My clients love them, and feel they get great insight into them-selves. And to be honest I love doing them.


My birth runes have also been flying out of the door, so please make sure that if you want one you get yours ordered. Especially if you want a pendant, as they are starting to run low. As bog oak is getting hard to source ethically.


Both these things lean into the Runic Astrology for last week. With the power of Mannaz and Slipping into the flow of Laguz this energy was super grounded into my personal human energy, and this has really flowed into my personal power. I was able to take action here, a bit slowly (damn virus) to make sure my energies were as high as possible.


Now we are moving right along that pathway of energy with Manni floating into Ingwaz energy, the potential to act on is huge. Whatever you experienced over the last 72 hours, from Friday evening its time to take the learning from and put into place what you can carry on with to achieve your victory. This is about growth here, especially with emotions, expectations, and personal development. Remember your business and relationships are personal development.


I can’t say this enough, Ingwaz wants you to be epic, that is this rune’s whole energy. Your potential, and the last 72 hours, bringing in the energies of the last 8 years of life development, both good and bad, will inform you energetically, psychically, and physically how to move forward. If you are not sure, spend some time with yourself to work out two or three of the things you’ve learned so you can action them. This will stop this energy bighting you on the ass next week when Odin decides he is going wandering and there can be lots of confusion and mistakes. So get clear on you, and even cosmic tomfoolery from deities makes you hard to shake.


When I say get clear I mean it. The shadow of the all fathers wander gets to us this weekend, and with clarity the Norn Urd and Sunna’s finding solace in the house of Laguz for the weekend we have the potential to act on what you’ve learned, super powerfully with great insight and Wyrd power. Be ready to act, as we can not predict what is coming down the path, but we can act in response to it. This surprise will be one that really opens up pathways for you to move along the course of your life path your Orlog, get ready for what is coming.  

I think being ready to act on what you’ve spent the last 8 years developing, the energy of which has returned on Friday ready to be used this coming Friday is freaking epic. There is so much potential energy to be drawn on. It’s yours so reach out and grab it.


For example. This energy for me is peaking my 1-2-1 soul map sessions and birth runes. So I’m making sure I’ve got the resources to do both, and that my systems are working. As wandering Odin can really mess with them! I’m also making sure that my next evolution of me is well planned and well executed. As if, as I’ve done to many times before, I just throw something out. Then it fails to have the energy required for victory. When planned and actioned with mindfulness and precision then my victory is much easier to achieve.




There is more.


Sunna is letting off some epic cosmic rays right now. Over the last few days we’ve had coronal mass ejections, sun spots and the Shuman resonance has been all over the place. If you’ve been feeling off, all the cosmic stuff has been happening!

Stay tuned for more happy news same bat time, same bat place.

Big love

Rich xxx