Richard Lister: Be Like A Viking

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I’ve got a new book contract

HI you awesome human you.


I hope you are well?


I’ve been drawn to share my runic astrology for the last few months. You may have noticed. We’ll since Runes Made Easy is doing well, I’ve pitched a Runic Astrology Book to Hay House. And, In humble brag alert, news, I’ve got a contract to write a Runic Astrology Book.


What this means is that you in my Patrion will get my workings out as I write this book over the next few months. And as I share please ask questions or ask for information that you’d like.

Runic astrology is a Reconstructed cosmic technology of the ancient Nordic peoples. Bringing lots of modern traditional astrology and working out how the ancient norse may have seen it.


For example The planets.


Venus, Mercuary, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto (I don’t care if its an ‘dwarf planet)


These classical gods and goddesses correspond with the energies of several Nordic deities. And remember when the sky map was forged we could only see up to Saturn with the naked eye, and the other planets energies are mapped for their perceived effects.


Venus = Freya

Mercury = Odin

Earth = Midgard

Mars = Tyr

Jupiter = Thor

Saturn = Loki

Uranus = Mirmir

Neptune = Ageir

Pluto = Urd


I’ll go into those deities in more depth as I write the book. And why they are assigned as they are.


So that is where I am right now. About to dive into a book.


What you get is me creating a bunch of stuff that will make runic astrology a thing that you can use.


So lets look at what we have for this week in the Sky Map.


Freya is central in mannaz, at the start of the week, she moves fast so this energy is fleeting. This middle energy, around 7.5 degrees in a runic house is potent, as the whole energy of the rune is flowing. This power point brings your personal powers, be they physical, mental, or energetic to the fore. She, Freya loves magic, beauty, and love. I’d suggest looking at how you nourish your body for the beginning of the week until Friday. How your body is fueled, nourished both energetically and sexually will inform how your power flows. So, but good stuff in and get good out. Double check the things in life that are important to make life work. This is what Freya and Mannaz are calling up. So you can course correct and be epic.


Odin, well, he is still wandering, and he is bringing his inquisitive and magic nature in the runic energy of Ingwaz. This energy is that of self-development and personal excellence. This may be a little more complicated until Friday evening when he stops wandering and settles down. So pay attention to what you are doing to make sure you are advancing your own goals, and heroic acts. As he is watching closely, so the energy may flow in special ways. Especially if you see Ravens or other Corvid birds.


Manni the moon starts his energy in Othala, the energy of home and family. So we start our week of with fairly insular emotional energies, don’t be surprised if you spend Monday and Tuesday wanting to be in bed, or on the sofa cuddled up. Though come Tuesday afternoon, Manni moves into Dagaz, and that energy will bring some initiatory power for you. Pay attention to how you move off the sofa into the next thing.


Tyr and Thor are in the runic hus of Berkanan until Friday evening. This energy flowing is going to bring you some epic power. This initiatory and activating Tyr energy fused with the gifts and power of Thor will bring you energy through the filter of Berkanan. Act for the next few days to renew and regrow aspects of life that are burned or hurt. Nurture yourself, and those around you with your restorative energy of Berkanan. Because in over the weekend Tyr moves to Ehwaz and this restorative powerhouse changes flavour. Berkanan energy brings restoration, Tyr wants action, and Thor brings the power. So Restore in active ways. Maybe lift a heavy thing? Or go for a walk? Avoid wolves though. Look for the new plans, or fresh beginnings, or your luck being turned up a notch.


Remember please that Thor gets over excited easily, and Tyr’s need to do stuff can push him over the edge. So watch for the tidal wave of opportunity, but don’t get crushed by it. As it may all seem too good to be true. And it could just be rubbish that Thor has got excited and decided to throw at you.


This week is calling for initiations, the first half with Thor and Tyr, and the latter with Freya pulling you into Dagaz. Get the rough draft of your plans sorted, so you are ready to act in way that light you up. Keep an eye on your own energy and don’t burn out. The hype is real.


Mondays, Moondays, new moon in Othala bring that energy of Family and Home, very practical rune is Othala. The practicalities of life may intrude into your hearts song. Can be a pain, but the ability to use that practical bend of life with your heart song can lead to potently structured emotional power. Let your passion flow, through the lens of the structures you have learned in life.

for the rest, in annoying upsell news, please join my patrion. Its only £5 a month, and it keeps me in ridiculously strong coffee.

Big love

Rich xx