Richard Lister: Be Like A Viking

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On being chased by ducks

Hi awesome human,

I hope life has been going well for you?

This week I’ve mainly been trying to sort out air con, as its been hot here. Yes I know you people in the Sothern US or the Med are ‘you don’t know hot’ but I’m living in Brittan. We get three maybe four weeks of hot all year. And we are constantly, as a culture chronically unprepared for it.

Yes, it’s great for two or three days. But then we moan. I broke the aircon on our car. This is not usually a problem. The problem came when I tried to fix it.

This dear reader did not go well.

That is a tale full of woe, and being too hot on leather seats in a black SUV.


ITS STILL NOT FIXED! Lisa is not best pleased.

So into more fun news. My friends have their small holding going, and their goats are making milk and the ducks and chickens are laying.

I went to hang out for a cup of tea and to get some milk and eggs.

I did not give them fare warning. The rural and farming types amongst you may know that if you don’t tell a farmer that you are coming there may be rogue animals.

I can cope with the billy goat. He is a big softy.

I can cope with the guard geese. I have the skill.

Being chased by 15 angry ducks though… was a little much.

For context. I’m six seven (210cm) and ‘husky’. I was out of my depth with a hoard of quacking death.

Alfric had to come save me. And laugh at me.

I also forgot photos.

In retrospect they probably though the bag I was carrying had duck food in. It did not.

So, how’s your week shaping up? Hopefully lacking in duck induced trauma.


Right to the Runic Sky Reading.

I’ve evolved how I do this slightly, as I’m working on my book. Each day has power runes. If your birth runes are those power runes, your traits will be turned up to max. So use that power. 

This also means if you are using those runes for magic, be aware that the Moon, Sun or Earth energy will shine brightly on them, and enhance their action as well.

This week if your Sunna Rune is Dagaz you will find more potency in the message. Your energy will be higher, and you will connect more with your sprit

The big ‘event’ this week is the solstice, when the sun is in the highest point of the sky, or if you are in the southern hemisphere, the sun is in the lowest point. North we have the longest days of the year. If you are not Scandinavian or live in in the far north, you may not have experienced the 24 hours of sunlight. Its very confusing, as it feels like day time all the time.  

If you have your Sunna (or any cosmic energy) in Jera through to Dagaz then there is activation for you this week. All the energy is on this side of the world tree.  Fehu through to Isaz, much more chilled this week. As the energies are pointing at others.

Sunnasdag. Sunday

Power day for:

Sunna in Dagaz

Manni in Sowelio

Jord in Radio


Manni the moon is confronting Odin, never a good idea, Odin has Dagaz transformation energy and Manni has Sowelio guidance energy. This may be a good day to look at what you’ve been doing and how to move forward, as Odin will want you step up, and Manni will want you to follow your heart. You may also spend some energy thinking about what you are going to be doing. Remember Action is the cure.

Freya and Ageir are together, this passion and depth energy will show you that you’ve done a load of work, and this is not wasted, for you have learned in some way during this. This learning may be hidden and murky. But it is there.

Freya and Loki are also bickering, remember that relationships take communication, and that old habit that don’t work anymore can be dropped.

Moondag, Monday.

Power day for:

Sunna in Dagaz

Manni in Tiwaz

Jord in Radio

Odin, Thor and Aegir are working together, well, more like drinking heavily in the mead hall. ‘Lads, lads, Lads’.  This party and companionship energy will draw your soul to higher victory if you so choose. Use the power of meditation, dance, yoga rock climbing etc to access this level up. Choose something that requires some power and focus, and has a depth to it. If you have to sing at the same time, even better. This will give you a good look at the path forward for your life. Take action, all those gods like things to be in movement.

Manni and Aegir are working together, so look to your hidden depths, or things you may have forgotten about yourself. They can be uncovered.

Tiwsdag, Tuesday.

Power day for:

Sunna in Dagaz

Manni in Birkanan

Jord in Radio

It’s the solstice!

Especially in the north, as Norway, Sweden and Denmark are all light pretty much all of the day, Iceland is light all day right now. The sun won’t dip below the horizon for another few days/weeks.

The power of the Solstice is not lost on the ancient people of the north, and most of the pagan rituals surrounding the solstice were quite literally burned with the advancement of Christianity.

What we know is that to celebrate the power of the sun several things happened:

1.  Everyone had a big fire.

Good Ritual.

2.  Everyone got super drunk

Good Ritual.

3.  Ritual relationships were made by the elders of the village for the young people. Those who were paired at Valborg Eve three months ago could choose to remain in the relationship, or not, that’s to say, the woman got to say if she wanted to stay in the union. Or if in a union already, have ritual sex.

Good Ritual.

4.  The Seers/ Völva practiced årsgang. A divination practice that translates as year walking.

5.  A giant pole is erected, with strong booze in a bottle at the top and a wreath of flowers. After the solstice those two things are taken down, and used for Yule, one to drink the other to sacrifice in the flames.

Lets break it down:

1.  The fire.

The fire is a ritual one that had nine different woods to fuel it, one for each world in the world tree. Its probably short notice to get 9 different woods for tomorrow. The fire you build will bring good luck to all who are touched by its light, making water sacred and clearing negative energy from homes and wells. You could choose to burn the effigies of an old woman/ witch on your fire. To symbolise the death of the darkness and the return of the light. This may trigger past life, or this life stuff, so take it under advisement.

2.  The booze, have some.

3.  The Sex, have some, invite a friend. Or play by yourself. Your body your rules.

4.  Årsgang:

This is something that is going be part of my Hay House online course that I’m filming later this year, so you awesome humans get the scoop. Not the sex, that’s a bit weird. The Årsgang.

So you as the mystic, would take your fortune telling device, Lisa uses here oracle Cards, I use my runes, you could use either, or a pendulum, or tarot, whatever works for you. You then fast for half a day, having no food or drink, but telling no one what you are upto.

You then leave the house and making sure to not see any fire, or show any fear or laughter, you make your way to the nearest place of the dead, and you sit and cast your cards/runes for the next 6 months. Write them down as you draw each rune, so you know what is coming for each month. Odin may send you visions too. This will help you interpret your runes.

On the seventh year of doing this Odin will appear and give you a spear and the nineth year the dwarves will appear, and you must ask them for a hat. These two objects will give you the power. For the rest of your life.

5.  The giant phallus or pole once you’ve chosen the booze to save and the wreath to make. Then put them up overnight. Take down in the morning and save for Yule.

There is a lot of cross over between Yule and Midsommer. Darkness vs Light.

In other ways, what you do on midsummer sets the energy of the next six months. If you want to do nothing at all, then do nothing at all. If you want to work hard, work hard. If you want to have lots of sex, have sex. See where I’m going? The energy of what you do on the solstice will follow you for the next six months.

Freya and Mirmir are working well together, probs not with as much mead as the ‘Lads lads lads’ energy above. Look to yourself love and connection. Build yourself up, and model that to others around you. Tearing down yourself will cause six months of messing around and confusion. So build yourself up. But don’t overreach, Myrmir will limit, and Freya will flow with passion.  

Wodinsdag, Wednesday.

Power day for:

Sunna in Dagaz

Manni in Laguz

Jord in Radio 

Manni and Tyr are together here. Tyr like to create and do clever things, and Manni wants to enjoy the process. Create stuff today and continue this energy all week.  This is especially potent if your Sunna rune is Laguz. Or your Manni Rune is Laguz.

Thorsdag, Thursday.

Power day for:

Sunna in Dagaz

Manni in Mannaz

Jord in Radio

Freya is in Ingwaz and this energy is on blast today. Bring your big power game to your relationships. You’ve got the potential to be spectacular epic interpersonally today. Others will see your true power and heroic nature, and your value.

Freyasdag, Friday.

Power day for:

Sunna in Dagaz

Manni in Laguz

Jord in Radio

Manni and Urd are together today, there is potency for an energetic shift or change. You know like you miss a step on the stairs? That kind of feeling. But probably good. Both energies are in Laguz, and this brings the possibility for letting go of ideas to be re-cycled in the oceans of time, or deep creativity potential. Laguz likes flow so make sure you are ready to adapt to flow around obstacles. Look to what patterns can be released and dropped. Do it completely and quickly, to leave space for awesomely good energy to flow in.

Lokisdag, Saturday.

 Power day for:

Sunna in Dagaz

Manni in Ingwaz

Jord in Radio

Mani is bringing the Inwaz energy, and conflicts with Loki, never fun. Myrmir is on the God of change’s side here. There is something that needs unpicking, a situation or pattern that has gone on too long. This energy needs to resolve and be released. Probably something that has been happening for a while, maybe this time last year? Or from the beginning of this year. Breathe deep when you’ve found what you are untwisting. If you do let it unravel and feel the good energy flowing through.

To get a better understanding of your personal runic energy I warmly invite you to get yourself a birth rune reading from me. That way you get better insight into your runic world and how the wyrd flows around you.

I hope that is helpful.

Have an awesome day.

Big love

Rich xxx 

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