Richard Lister: Be Like A Viking

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Runic energies and protection

Hi radiant one,


I hope your weekend was good and that your week is looking epic?


Last week I went to an event, a mastermind about how to better serve those who are interested in what I do. With that in mind I’ve got lots of ideas bumping around my head. And As I action them you will be the first to know!


As I’m currently bouncing around with runic astrology, I want to give you a vibrational energy report for this week.


Today Freya and Tiwaz are working together. The beauty and power of the warrior goddess is married to the direct action and honesty of the rune Tiwaz. This brings the potential for action on your love and attraction. Providing the action fits with your values and beliefs. Much like Freya got her Brísingamen necklace, through having great sex to get her needs met. Act with your passion to achieve your goals this week. And really, and I mean really, don’t supress your passion, as that is going against both of these cosmic energies. That way an energetic head slap lies.


Odin and Urdr are together in Laguz vibration. The challenging nature of the Way finder, Odin, and the Norn Urdr, the spinner of fates, creates a potent mix of energies you can choose to act on. He creates the challenge, She spins it into the cosmos, and Laguz makes it flow like a river. The opportunity here is to ride that river as the energies of two cosmic beings come together to forge it. Lean into your unconventional ideas, this will lead to victory. Odin likes to be surprised, and Urdr likes a good mystery to weave. Laguz brings hidden depths to the undertaking. Pay attention to the decisions you make, and the actions you take. The unexpected word, conversation or action will spark epic adventures. With awesome results.


Later in the week, Sunna and Vili, the bright life-giving energy and they will come into conflict. The luck you find with the energy of Peroth and the will of Vili will come flowing on the suns energy with Laguz. There is a slight problem though, this flow is going to be more white-water rafting than soft babbling brook. The conflict between the life-giving energy of the sun and the deep depts of the will of the mind will challenge your perceptions. Trust your luck and trust the flow to ride this storm. Or get hot and sweaty and have some orgasms. Both will help. Depending on the context of your personal experience. Just be aware that the energy of Sunna will flow into the hidden places of Vili. Either be well hydrated or well orgasmed. Or both, probs both. And this revelation will be much easier to experience.


At the end of the week Odin is going to bring manifestation to the fore, his God-King energy is coming up and his spear Gungir is going to be creating some awesome power. Harness that manifesting power on Friday to drag into your world that which you need. You are going to have to work for it. The gods give very few things for free.


Sunna is in the runic energy of Laguz for the next few weeks, until the middle of may. This energy will flow like liquid gold onto you if you let it. The growth and life that comes from sun and water, the two prime requests for life on our planet, is huge. Getting the codes from sunna onto you body is important during this phase. Your skin needs to be exposed to the sun, and watching sun rise and sunsets is important.


Do you like these runic astrology readings? Do you want me to continue them? Reply/Comment and let me know please.


This week I’ve been working on implementing the teachings I got at a workshop I went to. I’ve started a tiktok account.


I am not good at tiktok. It confuses me.


That sentence probably makes me very old. I shall continue to persevere. @richlisteruk on the ‘tok.


One of the main points from this workshop is making sure that I’ve got people on my mailing list, over people being friends or followers on social media. As my social accounts can be removed at any time. They are free of course. And the ‘algorithm’ can choose what people see, if I’m persona-non-grata then all my interaction falls to one side. This is why emails are important. This is why I’m pushing my email list for the next few weeks. If you are not signed up, and you are reading this on my blog, please consider getting the free stuff. There is an awesomely deep meditation, a workbook and a video all about how to build runic energetic shield wall protection.

 If you are not signed up please consider it, the free stuff is awesome.