Richard Lister: Be Like A Viking

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under the cloak

Hi Awesome Human

I hope you are good?

This week has been eventful, I’m currently in a hotel in Glastonbury after going to a friend’s baby thing. I’ve spent the last couple of days being in nature, hugging trees and feeling into what I want to be doing with my world.

I’m working on my next book at the moment, and that is not going as fast as I’d have liked, but it is getting there. I’ve got to hand it in in November, so still a little way away yet!

Runes Made Easy is coming out in February next year in German, so that is epic!  It’s going to be called Die Magie Der Runen, published by Kneur.Leben. If you’d want Runes in your native language, please hit reply and let me know what language, so I can get the international team on it!

In my communion with the spirts and gods of the lands that I’m currently I’ve realised that I need to focus on fulfilling my mission, and that is to help people take their personal power back. Especially around the spiritual and magical arenas. One of the ways I’ve found that I’m very effective in mediations, or as I term them Under the Cloak. I call these practices that, under the cloak, as when the ALL THING happened in Iceland in the 11th century to decide if everyone should be Christian, the lore maker went under the cloak to commune with the spirits of the land and the gods. He did, and the best cause of action was to not fight Christianity. There is a whole story about it, but I’ll tell that at another time. 

The Practice of under the cloak, has evolved over time, forgotten, and remembered, hidden and found. Melded with the modern practices of hypnotherapy and Neuro Linguistics. So that is what you get today! A blend of magic and influence that is created to help you connect to your spiritual and emotional self.

I’ve got one for you here, and there will be more.

There are lots in my upcoming Runes Made Easy Online Course, that will be available early next year. Apparently.

I’ll let you know when I’ve made more Under The Cloak Meditations for you to bridge the gap between yourself and the worlds beyond.

So onto the astrology.

Power runes this week are Sunna in Uruz and Manni in Laguz, Ehwaz, Berkana.


Freya is in Dagaz, brining initiation and power, to your world and your experience of love. Sunna is in Uruz, and this power and strength adds energy to Freyas pulse. This love could be your home, nurturing in the mother archeotype? Or is there movement energy in your world? Is this Uruz Sunna helping Freya initiate you into a new phase of life with your experience of your initiation? See what It feels like to you.

Odin and Mirmir are not best friends at the moment. Pay attention to you side thoughts, as they will challenge how you perceive the world. Be direct and focused, as Mirmir wants to confuse and befuddle. Say what you mean. 


Odin is bringing the power today with Uruz energy. All the strength in your words. Be careful how you use them. 

Manni the moon is bringing bottles of mead to Thor today, and there may well be explosions of creativity and passion. Lean into your creativity today. This is where you get to win. It probably feels like freedom, maybe go on an adventure? Or work with someone to get guidance.


Manni is fighting with Sunna and Mirmir. This is a three way squabble that is pulling up feelings of rules and standards. More in the standards space. Check your attitude to the situation that is bothering you, and check your perceived restriction.


Manni and Tir are friends, bringing you creativity and expressive change. There is something calling you to act on, a desire in the depths of your soul. Now is the time to act.


Manni and Urd are friendly, and are drinking in Urd’s hall. Look to the surprises today, this is where there is the next step along your path. This surprise will pull you towards your goal. Take action, don’t get caught in the details. 


Ingwaz energy is flowing through Manni, so get ready to access your potential, this is causing Odin and Thor to rally behind you and bring lots of accessible positive energy. This power may make it feel too easy, so trust your divine energies.


Have an awesome week!

Big love

Rich xxx