Richard Lister: The Hero Soul

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Equinox Energies

The cosmic wheel spins and we move our energy into a new iteration of the world this week. 


I’ve just spent the last week celebrating a friend’s birthday. Back in a town we moved out of literally a day before plague started. What was awesome is the experience of driving over the hills above the town and feeling the sensations that came back to me as I drove those familiar roads. We left this city for uber practical reasons, being nearer big airports and metropolitan areas was important. Then we spend the last 18 months in various forms of lockdown and restrictions. It’s interesting how that played out. 


What that drive over the hills showed me was that I needed that period of isolation. Yes, I ate loads and got super depressed at times, I’ve had the ‘rona a few times. Each time less than the previous. I’ve also spent a large amount of time processing the stress of the previous few years. 40 of them. The ways I conformed to others’ expectations, the wounds I picked up as that was the way of things. The ways that I’d compromised my experience through not having the skills to ask for my needs to be met. 


By coming back to a place where I’d last lived at the beginning of this healing journey, I was able to observe, in me, the difference in energy and vibration. The difference between me now and the me then. The me that lived in this town. This sheading of light on the path that I’ve walked in this healing journey allowed me to appreciate the steps I’ve taken. 


Being in ancient sacred springs, eating and drinking with people I trust, walking land that feels good under my feet, in a place I love, that is soaked in powerful energy in, was an uber powerful experience. It’s not practical for everyone to spend a couple of years living in the earths heart chakra, it is however practical to return to places where you feel safe, that allows you to feel, experience and see how you’ve healed and grown as a human living this experience. 

There is more in the membership group.

Big love

Rich xxx