Richard Lister: Be Like A Viking

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Fear of the dark


Hi Awesome Human


I hope you are good?


This week has been an interesting one. We are in a Odin / Mercury Retrograde and in the Eclipse shadow. I see Astro-stuff as an epigenetic switch in our cells. The Electromagnetic waves that come from the sun, and the stars hit us. And our bodies adapt slightly to them. When there is an eclipse our bodies know something is off. The source of all life has been switched off.


This is a scary thing for the primitive mind. And we have primitive neurology in ourselves. What follows is what I think with sod all science to back it up.


Strap in.


So…. Our world is linked with mycelial networks that flow through the soul. My mate Remi in the USA says he’ll see it. So the cells of the plants in the soil there will get scared that the life giver is gone. Even for a few minutes. So that ripple passes through the mycelial networks, into all the animals that are in contact with them. Even down to the beaches and cliff faces. Concrete not so much.


So now that ‘something is wrong’ pulse travels though the oceans and effects the networks on other islands like Europe and Africa etc.


This is how we are affected with the energy from the eclipse that Remi, Jena and Baby can see. And I can’t.


There is another aspect to this too. We humans are social creatures and we love to be around other people. Even introverts. I know you like your binging of the bad batch. But humans like to be around other humans. We also read sublte energy from other humans.


Thi is why lockdown was so damaging  (beyond the virus). We were reading danger cues of each other but with no apparent danger. We interacted with masks on, so we could not read facial expressions. So primitive brained us was reading fear everywhere. Not a fun place to be.


Back to stars.


Our bodies read from our TikTocs and Instagram that something is happening, and our primitive self-responds in tiny ways.


We are alert to the change. The search for what is hidden that maybe coming to the fore. This subtle change is not a big one. Its our subconscious spotting soothing it’s previously ignored. It's realising that there is a path through the current situation that we previously not noticed. Or a solution that you were previously unaware of. What is good about this stuff is that people have been working out these corelations for ages. Some call it astrology, some shamanism, some priesthood, others Witches. All these people look at how we act and look at the world around us, looking for subtle clues. So that’s why we know, well I know that in this collective earthling experience that we are having is pointing us to specific energies in our world.


Have a good one.



Runic Astrology


There is big ole vibe of a gathering of planets in one big clump of energy. This energy is underlined with the solar eclipse on Monday. Especially for you Americans out there. It's all about revealing what is hidden. And as its in Mannaz the is a keep going energy. There is an energy lurking in the future with Thor / Jupiter and Urd / Uranus conjunction. Start to look at the practical as well as the spiritual. Don’t isolate or get micro with your views.




Manni The Moon and Njord / Neptune are together. As well as Freya / Venus a bit later. All with Berkanan energy then Ehwaz energy. There is an anxiety or anxious vibe during the day, shifting into sorting out the ideas as the day progresses. Get a bit more practical as the day moves on.



Still in the dark moon energy, in Mannaz. It's early evening in the UK, adjust to fit your world wherever you are. This energy is to ask you make sure you are clear on goals and strategy in what you are doing in life. Bring your focus back to you and bring that energy back to what you want to achieve. Do the thing. Change the thing. DO or do not. There is no try. Remember that.



Manni The Moon moving into Laguz. Before that shift Odin / Mercury is sticking his oar in. Get clear in your comms. Especially when you communicate specifics. After lunch Myrmir / Pluto is poking fun at Manni the Moon. He is demanding you to do the thing or get off the bus. Not to fake it, more act from your power.



Manni The Moon in Laguz, moving softy and poking Thor / Jupiter and Urd / Uranus. These two are getting ready for a big old party. This energy is one that is not to be repeated for  a long time. This vibe is starting to bring a personal level of grounding, getting healty and looking to your resources. Tyr / Mars and Loki / Saturn are winding this energy up too. So that’s going to bring some powerful energy to your world. When you choose stick to it.



Manni The Moon moving into Othala. Myrmir / Pluto and Manni The Moon are bffs. Reach down into your soul to communicate where your edges are, and where you are pushing too hard.



Manni The Moon in Othala. Sunna The Sun and Odin / Mercury are together. QUESTION EVERYTHING SHEEPLE! Is their battle cry. There is a question of ‘is this right’? floating around big decisions you’ve made. There may well be something that was unpleasant or uncomfortable will show itself for its truth. In a good way.



Manni The Moon is squaring up to Njord / Neptune. Chiron and Sunna The Sun and Odin / Mercury are vibing. There is a healing available. Have a look at yourself and see where you can make it better. And forgive yourself for the mistakes that lead you here. Don’t think act today, get into a rhythm of life and let that Nad, or beat, or rhythm carry you.