Richard Lister: Be Like A Viking

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How i make my brain work

So… this week, guess what I’ve been doing?




I may have mentioned this before, but the good news is that The Book of Runic Astrology is moving along and is NEARLY complete. Also, excitingly, I’ve received cover ideas from my editor. I’m not allowed to show you, but, I do need your input.
Black + gold foil for the title, or black with blue ombre title?
What’s YOUR initial hit?
You know I value your opinion and it will make a difference as to what one we go with. (And of course I will share it here, with you, first.


So, once again, I’m at my screen working on the manuscript this week. (And for the foreseeable future!)
And one of the things I struggle with, when having to focus on one idea for a long period of time is distraction. My brain really likes to be distracted, as I write this, I realised that I also had youtube playing off-road recovery videos in the background.
This is not conducive to writing.
I’ll turn off the video.


Now, I’ve noticed this about myself over the last few years of being an author. And indeed, writing regular newsletter/blog and online content.
Distraction is my kryptonite.
Literally, my desk has toys and things to ‘fiddle’ with all over it.


And I realise that I find it really demoralising to get distracted when I’m writing about something that I’m actually super excited about. (Like, The Book of Runic Astrology for example.)

Yet STILL my brain goes…. ‘Ooooohhhh look…. What’s happening over there?’ or the doorbell will go, and I come out of my hyper focus, the flow is broken and it takes me ages to get back into it.


Have you ever had that?
Been ‘in the zone’ and it’s all going great then something happens to distract you and the rest of the day then becomes a write off?


One of the common methods I’ve used for maintaining and staying in ‘the zone’ and actually getting my books written despite the dyslexia/adhd/all the things is my use of adaptogens, nootropics and supplements. If you’ve not met these words before, they are used to describe substances, such as mushrooms (Rishi, Lions Mane etc) or chemicals (Like caffeine) or other plants (like ashwagandha) that all help to support brain health and focus.


Before I go on, I’ve got to say, if you are going to take supplements, please make sure you take radical self-responsibility, know your body, know how you work and seek the guidance of your medical professional. Because as well as having amazing results, supplements can potentially do ‘interesting’ things. Like St John’s wort can stop the birth control pill working. And remember, I’m sharing my personal experience; your experience may be different.


Radical Rest was written while taking a supplement called, Qualia recommended by a friend in LA to help me focus.
Runes Made Easy was written while taking pro-biotics, vitamins and a b-complex from Thorne personally, this worked lots better than Qualia for me, (and it was also less expensive.)
Now, as I write this book, after much refining of the book writing experience with noo-tropics and other stimulants, I’m using Focus Pro from Brainzyme . And I’m having good success with it. And as a bonus from the other two systems, its half the price of Qualia, and it’s only one tablet while the Thorne system was, if I recall 7.  Brainzyme have a little questionnaire to make sure you get the right supplement for you which I found to be really useful.


What I like about working with Nootropics, is that I’m in control of what I’m putting in my body, I can look at the ingredients of the capsule, and go and find out what they are and how they are made. What they are, and where they come from. Some pharmaceuticals are all-factory made, and, while they work, I don’t want to put that in my body unless there is an absolute need for me to do it. Please remember, your body, your choice. Always.
You know you, so as always, I invite you to do what is best for you. I do what I do for me, in the way that works best for me. And I am happy to offer support to you, if you ask.


To be honest, sometimes what’s best for me looks like a dirty burger from the van by the DIY store. Sometimes it’s a quadrupole expresso in the morning. And sometimes it’s a grass-fed beef, bone broth and home-grown tomato sauce in a spaghetti bolognaise.
Everything in moderation.
I share all of this as my fascination, and life passion, is to always support others to recognise the best in themselves and to amplify it. I personally like things that work, it’s one of the things that makes me happiest. And I like those things not to stress my body in ways I don’t like. Trust what your body feels, and don’t push past uncomfortable feelings as this is where we get hurt.


This is why I like the runes and runic astrology, its why I like Nootropics, its why I like things like infra-red saunas (use code: RICH59909), cold showers, and blue blocking glasses. They work and more importantly they support me to be more of who I am, more effectively.


What I’m saying is if focus, brain fog, or procrastination is a thing in your world, you may want to explore the world of nootropics with me. I’m not advertising – although I WILL receive a small financial kick-back if you buy from any of my links in today’s share – I’m simply sharing what I use and what works as an invitation for you to try too, if you’re called.


What are your go-to tools for ‘support’?
Do you have any recommendations for ME? Mainly so that I can finish my book more effectively?!

Thanks again for being here and I look forward to hearing from you, always love to read your responses to what I share.