I’ve got a vibe

Hi Awesome one.


I hope your week has been good?


For me this week has been mostly getting ready for recording an online course.


Normally for me I wing doing lessons and recordings. I feel I’m relatively good at this sort of thing. I’ve also been working on my next book, going deeper into the runes and their runic astrology.  So lots of planning and plotting, not so much doing. This is not where I’m most comfortable.


I’ve patterning and behaviours that like to be doing things. So I’m super looking forward to next week where I get to do a new thing.


There is even a film crew! A little more advanced than me with my phone and gopro!


There has been a common theme with everything I’ve been doing this week, and as I delve deeper into the spiritual world in which I exist I find that thease themes tend to be that of a greater energy trying to get my attention.


Attention that needs to be acted on, or I’m going to be in a situation that is going to cause me pain and or be a general P.I.T.A. I feel that when there are common themes appearing in your experience of the world, they are messages from the divine.


Your concept of the divine and mine may differ, and I feel there are probably similar patterns within those mental ideas of what divine is. And as long it works for you, there is no drama. When I feel the divine is trying to get my attention there are lots of repeated themes. Getting more and more blatant until everything goes wrong because I’ve ignored them. This may or may not have happened more than once in the past.


I’m learning to pay attention to messages from the gods, as it’s frustrating enough when your mate leaves you on read. Imagine how annoying it is if you are an a all-powerful being of cosmic energy and this electric powered meat and bone machine is ignoring your messages. Especially when you’ve swiped right on that meat suit.


To cut down my experience of celestial tantrums I make an effort to act on the messages I get. And, when you start working with the runes you may well start getting celestial text messages too.


So what have these messages been this week you ask? Whelllllllll…


Vibration, frequency, and resonance. We’ve just had Glastonbury festival here, and a dear friend of mine was working there, KDot, she is epic and if you like aware social media then I’d recommend checking out her work. And my uncle who is a sound and recording enginer was there too. I was not, as I was not feeling festival vibes right now.


These two people are full of the sonic resonance of the music being played and the people who were there. Their energy’s changed. Their frequency of existence changed. Especially after a couple of years of enforced isolated because of ‘you-know-what’.


If something we as a culture take as a given, such as music, has a powerful effect on how people present to the world. Then what about the more subtle, and more powerful energies that we are bombarded with day to day?


The planets and stars, and the moon, and the sun, and asteroids effect the energies that impact our planet and ourselves. We’ve got a whole antenna set up within our bodies, in the form of our nervous system and skeletal system. We have the ability to pick up the cosmic vibrations that strike us, much like a satellite dish picking up the latest episode of the Simpsons.


Vibration and frequency are part of our very physical existence, our cells vibrate in specific ways, that we can see in an MRI scanner. Our bodies reflect light frequencies that allow us to see. Our DNA could have the ability to be activated in specific ways due to the environmental effects. We see it in children, especial the differences in gen X, Millennials, Zoomers and gen Alfa.  The different vibrations of the cosmos, society and the planet (to name a few) effect how our cells activate. We see it with stem cells, they take the resonance of the cells around them to grow into that form.


Crystals and other metaphysical tools also have the same abilities. Admittedly a little slower, as crystals take ages to grow. But, and her is the but. Crystals are formed over tens of thousands of years, and they are formed to work with different celestial energies. So quartz is not just good for watches keeping time, but also clear energy. Garnet, very popular with the ancient Nordic peoples has a different energy, one not so appropriate to the modern world. But very appropriate to the 5th Century CE.



So, what my rambling about frequency and vibration is trying to say is that, potentially there is power in this field of the universe. There is a reason that we respond so powerfully to music. And so subtly to cosmic radiation. We are creatures of this planet and connecting to each other is part of the reason we are on this earth school. We are also cosmic energies that pulse and dance for a brief instance on this planet. Each frequency is affected differently by the cosmic and planetary vibrations around us.


And that is part of the fun of the world. Finding what works for you. For some it’s a heavy base of NIN, others complex interplay of celestial orbs dancing in the sky, others its buried remnants of ancient civilisations. Others still when Lizzo throws her hair back and checks her nails ignites dormant genes within their cells and the connection is moved.


Vibration rocks.


So, moving on to cosmic and ancient energies. Remember you can check out your sun rune here.




Manni the moon is in Ansuz energy, the energy of the voice, this Energy is in opposition to Loki who is in Sowelio. Loki likes structures to work, and right now, structures moving forward. He will drop all that don’t work. Manni is in the energy of the voice, the spoken magic. This brings the frequency of making decisions with emotions. Don’t be afraid to bull through all blocks today, as long as you stay within your core values.


Take a breath, and pause to check what is coming. The havamal, an ancient book of laws, says ‘don’t step out of home without a sword or spear, you cannot see a fight coming’, meaning be prepared.


This energy sets the tone for the next few days. Be prepared, trust your emotions, but don’t let them run away with you.




Ansuz Manni is chilling with Sunna, this energy is to make sure you have what you need to make your comforting rituals work. For me, I’m going to be away next week, so I’ve ordered my favourite coffee to be delivered to where I’m working. As I forgot to order it last week.

Look at your habits and everyday rituals to make your energy flow. Ansuz is magic, and Sunna is flowing with Uruz strength. By building thease rituals you can lock in magic and power.  Find for yourself the habit of doing the inward work.

Freya is in Othala, She wants to play, but the Runic energy is putting up energies, watch emotional and personal boundaries. Yours and others, especially if your Sun Rune is Othala,  or if you may be on the receiving end if your Sunna rune is Ingwaz.

Tuesday a load of energy today.

Tyr the god of war and action is Vibing high in Mannaz, bringing all the action to fulfil your purpose and destiny. Odin is has his influence here in Dagaz, also super high. Urd the Norn is high in Laguz. This energy is bringing some fun and games to the world. Especially if you are Othala, Dagaz, Mannaz, or Laguz today. Watch for the surprise. Kind of like the jump scare from the Scream movies. But, and this is important, in a GOOD WAY. Tyr wants you to act and take advantage of this Nornic blessing, and Odin wants you change something about how you speak or communicate. Its going to be good, make sure you are not passive, and act on it.

Tuesday evening UK time, so lunch time in LA, or mid-afternoon in NY, Ageir is moving some mists away, what is confused and hidden will show itself. The best way to activate this energy is to meditate and breathe deep. Aegir is call up the self initiation and change of states in you. One that you may not have seen clearly. If you were waiting for a sign. This is it.

If your Sunna energy is in a denser elemental energy like Mannaz, Laguz and Ingwaz, very human earthy runes, then Tiw wants you to power up your potential. There is energy for change here. It may take a couple of run ups or some false starts but persist and it will be epic. 

Odin is in Dagaz and high there too, there is a postivite effect with balancing your emotions, decision making and direction finding. Have the conversation about how life is going to be in the next few weeks. Look to where there is nurturing and love needed.

At the end of July, the beginning of August, Tyr is going to come into conflict with Urd, and the dwarf Norðri (Northi) is going to call you to manifest your future you.

Nothing big then. 

Look for what drive you, can you shift your perspective to being drawn to opposed to away from. Now, in preparation for the end of the month is a great time to look for manifestation to what you want your world to be like. Finances, food, values etc. Look to where you personally want to be.


Manni shifts from Kenaz to Gebo at lunch time, so first thing for you West coasters. Pay attention to relationships and places where you or others serve. Perhaps legal matters, the waning energy of Kenaz asks you to see both sides. And gebo is looking at you to be generous when with others.

Manni and Thor are working together, look to where you can team up, or otherwise work with others, as the mighty Thor has just moved to Ehwaz, late morning UK time. Definitely look to where you trust and be generous with those whom you’ve put your faith in. But also double check legal stuff, as Thor gets too excited too quickly.



Manni, Freya and Loki are all drinking heavily together. There is a lot of flirting here. Today is a day to get your persuade on, especially if you are Fehu, Othala or Gebo. Now is the time to ask for a rase, or get a better negotiation for a contract. By using this energy you can manifest more abundance for the next cycle of the sun.


Manni is bringing bliss with Wunjo until early evening UK time, when there is potential change. And Manni and Tyr are vibing high. Especially in the later part of the day look out for loose tempers, and mean words. Deffo in intimate relationships. Perhaps now is the time to clear the waters about something that is bothering you. It will probably explode, but the make-up will be epic.


Manni and Urd have woken up together. They’ve been micro dosing mushrooms all night, and for you and me it means it time to get your rune stones out, or tarot, or oracle cards. The doors of the fates are open here.

Odin is moving to Fehu in the late evening and is mighty miffed with Thor. Have the tough conversations. And those conversations may well be with yourself. Check where you are finding your resources, reputation, and abundance. Odin is call you up today, he wants it to rain resources and reputation, and Thor wants you delve deep into your soul to find that power and energy. You’ve got it. You’ve got to drag it up as he caught the mudguard serpent.

Have an awesome Week!

big love


Rich xxx




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