Richard Lister: Be Like A Viking

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Luna Runes

Hi Awesome One


I hope you are good?


I’ve just got back from my sisters wedding and I’m a little tired.


Today is 06-06-2022, numerologing it we’ve got 666. In some circles 666 is the number of the beast, the devil. We know that the book this 666 came from has come through the hands, and minds of thousands of years of humans. And was often used as a weapon to convert and control.


One of the things we know that were undesirable in the North of Europe during the conversions of the 8th to 13th centuries is magic women. One of the ways the Völva would mark her runic magic on to the people she would heal would be to paint the runes in her or the patients’ blood, or in ochre or ash. I wander if the ‘mark of the beast’ was designed as a weapon to combat the old ways of magic and runic lore? We don’t ‘know’ but we can Know. One of the things that the Völva ensured happen for the people of her village is that the power of self-initiation was started, young women initiated on their path, young men on theirs, Ergi on theirs. I’ll talk about Ergi later, not in this message. Right now, portal energy.


6 is traditionally associated with the 2nd planet from the Sun, and in Runic Astrology this is Freyas planet. Her holm. She brings initiation and abundance to the gods of Asgard and by extension us on Midgard.


Today we’ve got an annual opportunity to initiate ourselves into energies that we require to further our experience of life.


Lunar Runes:


Monday, Moon day, Manni the moon moves into Ansuz. The rune of voice and magic. Make sure you speak what is on your mind and what is on your heart. Today is a day of word weaving and myth making. Especially when telling friends what you got up to over the weekend.




At the end of the week we are going to experience a union between Freya and Urd the Norn of the fates. This energy starts today, so start with conversations with people that are taboo. Things that need to be said but are often too polite to be said. Offering moments for conversations with those who need it, who may not initiate. This energy is especially high on Tuesday. We are in the shadow right now, building toward the release on Friday.


Spending some time building understanding and pulse with scenarios causing conflict between the heart and the magic energy of the Voice. In this cosmic energy you can reorganise and reshape energy especially when you speak and use your words. Take time to examine what you’ve been avoiding before it comes and bights you, this internal taboo needs addressing too! There will be less drama in sorting out those potential energies than what you may imagine it to be.


Wednesday Manni the moon in Kenaz, the Rune of illumination. Manni is also in opposition with Aegir. There is poetic and illumination metaphor to be discovered within yourself, you know those skills and talents you don’t practice because you are not good enough. Today is the day to pick up that energy again and see where it takes you. This energy is introspective and story driven initiation. Remember the epic stories you tell of yourself? Step into that to make it true.  If any of your birth runes are in Dagaz then you are going to feel a powerful draw to the magical and mystical as Aegir pulls up magic from the depths of the soul. Don’t lose yourself in the esoteric and metaphysical, get ready to be practical. It’s hard, a spanner may help.


There is energy with getting super practical with Eihwaz and Myrmir, and Manni and Gebo, and Odin and Ingwaz. This brings power to access your energies and rules. Push through the illusions and lean into your gifts and initiate yourself into your personal greatness. This three-way alliance with the god of wisdom and hidden thought, the god of emotions and the god of leadership and magical power open up the channels of epic experience to you. This energy can help you initiate yourself into your cosmic path, open yourself to the cosmic gifts you are granted, and access some deep lore in your soul to achieve your victory. I’ve no idea how you are going to do this on a Wednesday. But it sounds like it’s going to be dramatic. In seriousness. A stray word or action will lead you to greatness.


Thursday, Thors day

Manni moves from Gebo into Wunjo, get all the chocolate in you today. Your emotions need a stroke, so give them that love. There is conflict with Tyr and Thor, their energies are battling Manni, Tyr is in Mannaz, and Thor in Laguz. There is lots of action flowing and their magic is there. The softness of Laguz is swelling with the power of Thor, to rage like a torrent, this energy is both healing and cleansing, but will probably hit like a bucket of ice water to the face. While Tyr is still Bringing the human power with some awesomeness you can tap into that energy by making sure you are acting with your value and beliefs at the fore. Don’t get swayed. There is a Manni conflict today will make you choose your path. Remember, go practical and achievable in your solutions to all the things. Thor is not good at details and just wants to make stuff bigger. Tyr wants to get stuff done in the most direct route possible. Try and get the bigger picture in mind, and act in practical ways. If the emos come it’s not the end of the world, Manni is all about that. This flow from Laguz and the Potential with Tyr asks you to take your time and don’t burn out.


Friday. Freyas day.


There is an alliance with Sunna in Othala and Loki in Sowolio. All the life path energy here. Look at what systems and processes you can use to help you follow your soul path today. And if those systems don’t work. Burn them down, and dance on the ashes. You’ve got no time to be messing around with silly things that don’t work.

Your personal message may be part of what you are calling though, root back to your heart and soul. Go back to what makes you, you, this is the energy required for your epicness. Make sure you can here it clearly. If you have Laguz or Mannaz in your birth runes see what Desir they are and then lean into that energy. Like if you have your sun Rune in Mannaz, then your path is going to be super clear with structures of Loki (Ie your sun rune or Density helper). What physical move do you need to do? What path do you need to change?


There is an activation of Myrmir energy today too. This is going to be interesting. Choose slow and profound movement. Take little steps to your victory and goals. Peroth birth runes will find their Spidey sense tingling. You’ve got some extra magic here today. There is a potential for things like contracts or invoices to be signed or paid for, especially if you were not expecting them yet. Fortune will favor you, as some of the tasks of life that usually takes ages to sort out, due to longwinded processes will become fore fulfilling. Don’t make deals virtually, especially life changing ones. Make sure you can see the whole person.



Saturday, Lokis day.

Manni moves late in Friday/ early Saturday into Wunjo. This energy brings you some big olde emos into the light of day, ones that need clearing so you can settle down. They will come to you in the light of the day, or if you are in the UK, the light of the phone screen at 11pm.  Be ready for some big old tears and realisations. It’s going to be an experience. Brace yourself with a journal and some yummy food, and probs a binge worthy series. This will lessen the karmic prod in the eye that may well be coming.


To make it even more emotional, Freya and Urd are together in Laguz. This energy is going to bring some emotive charge that has the potential to heal, maybe not right now, but in the future. Manni is in Wunjo and the power of removing the scales from the eyes through this bliss seeking energy and cosmic liquid cleansing will show you joy and purpose on Saturday. You may well cry. Lots, big ugly tears. Just check what you are up to on Saturday, as this may well inform some big old life pathway stuff. Urd loves this energy and Freya loves to direct and manipulate in ways she can control. Laguz brings the flow and Manni the DMT high bliss. So, Saturday has the potential to be epic. But you do have to act on it. Take control by choosing what you are doing on Saturday. I’m going to a Viking fare.


Have a great week.

Big love


Rich xxx

If you want to know your birth runes, you can get your reading below.

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