Moons in the woods

We had a full moon this weekend, and I was camping with a load of scouts during it. I would like to say, decades of emergency nursing experience and one night with pre-teens shows me that the full moon makes people go crazy. We were hammock camping, and they did not shut up until 1am, and then they freaked themselves out with moon light on the floor. As it was monsters.


To combat this, as I thought it would happen, we’d previously set up trail cams to see what animals were in the forest. So we set up the motion activated night vision cameras where we though animals would walk past. We discovered that the only things moving in the woods at night were scouts.


What was powerful was sleeping out under the stars, the scouts used hammocks and I used my hammock, with no tarpaulin. The moon coming through the trees and the mottled pattern of the moon light illuminated our woodland with a soft light that sucked all the colour from sight. The connection with the world around me that I felt was huge, the trees moving gently in the wind, the soft sway of my hammock, the sound of owls, and the noise of young people scaring off any and all wildlife.


Connection to nature is a powerful tool, and one that I use a huge amount in my life practice, spiritual practice, and emotional practice. I use the rune here too, as their energy is constantly flowing into the earth as they spiral around Yggdrasil, the world tree. This energy impacts us in different ways at different times of the day, month, season, and year. Each god, or God energy adds their own flavour to the runic energy that flows from the heart of the cosmos.


As I hung in my hammock, I knew that there were some powerful runic codes landing on my body, through my eyes and into my Hame, or energy body.


I want to help you connect to those runic codes too. When I work with people I use the code of the soul map, touching into the energies that came through the cosmos at the moment of your birth, as well as the more subtle energies that flow from your thread of the wyrd.


I invite you to step into the runic cosmos to find your space in the wyrd with a soul map reading. To discover where your energy shines the strongest and what you can do to make it even more epic.


This weeks Runic astrology


We are in the ‘interesting’ bit of solar eclipse tomfoolery. With the Wolf Sköl managing to catch up with the sun, somewhere over America. With the moon in Nauthiz, the Need Rune, and the Sun in Ingwaz, the Hero and Development Rune. We get the burning need to develop and change into our heroic selves. Wrapped in a load of confusion and reversed energy. You feeling the need to take action to be awesome, but confused how to do it? This Sunna and Manni energy is causing it. Because of the hidden element of the sun being in eclipse the motivation to change may well be very esoteric and mystical. Now may not be the time to try mushrooms for the first time.


Do you Eurovision? That energy was shrouded in spiral coding and activation, under this Sunna and Manni spell. Groups of women chanting in circles. Bretons chanting a battle chant, A lady with funny hand signals, and Ukrainian breakdances in body suits.


Nauthiz is both the decay when needs are not met, and the activation when they are. The best/worst bit about this is you get to choose the door to walk through. But, you may not know what is behind that door. And once you’ve walked through that door you’ve got to work out how to live with the choice you’ve made. Especially if Nauthiz shows up a lot in your chart.


Ingwaz and Nauthiz encourage you to let go of pre-conceptions. To find what is true beneath the stories. Ingwaz calls to excellence and Nauthiz calls for the dropping off all unnecessaries. When we are free of the unnecessary then we have more capacity for life. More capacity for the epic magic and energy you control I life.


This Nauthiz energy is right in the middle of the runic cycle, and as such is super powerful. Definitely a lot of truth seeking and not needed things are ready to be stripped. If you are feeling stretched and misshaped by energies pulling you then Rely on Tyr, the god of right action and war coming to influence you. This energy is challenging you to take the action you know you need to take on the thing. You know that thing you are working on.


Tyr is calling you to act and change the state you are in on Wednesday. Whatever you are doing, check yourself. Make sure you are acting in the context of your beliefs and values. Spot where you are not in concordance with yourself and move towards that energy. The initiatory energy that will then flow through Dagaz will open your aura up to some spectacular astral codes. Agir the god of the seas is calling creativity from his depths, this is flowing through the Rune Dagaz too, so initiate yourself into this power of infinite potential and creativity. But probs not on Wednesday, Woden’sday, as he is still off exploring the universe.


Runic Astrology: Heroes


Herbs and Retrogrades