Richard Lister: Be Like A Viking

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Prosperity Quest

Hi Radiant one, I hope you’ve been good?



This week has been a slow one for me, I’ve been working on not cooking in the heat, heat that in the rest of the world is ‘OK’ we’ve not got the cultural grounding to be sensible when its 40centergrade out side, or 115F.


I’ve also been working on codifying some of the tools I used to set my business up and get my Rune books published by Hay House. I love the vibrational power of sound. From the music in a movie (We watched Love and Thunder, and loved it), to the sound of my breath as I meditate the sound vibration is powerful.


Try it yourself. Sit still and when you exhale make a noise, like darth vader. Do it for a couple of minutes. And see how you feel.


This noise, sound, vibrational energy of your breath has had an effect on your body and energy.


So, with that in mind, and fuelled by a good measure of Chris Hemsworth’s abs. I’ve Created a sonic vibration for you. This is the first of a sequence of Runic Vibrations that are designed to bring the cosmic energy required to your mind, body and soul.


The first one is called the Prosperity Quest, and it’s a Ritual of Connection, to bring you into concordance with your prosperity energy. There are three Under the Cloak Meditations, and runics to help you bring that energy into your world. So, lots of energetic vibrations to bring that power into you.


I invite you to step into your prosperity quest, to nurture your magnetic nature to bring your abundance and prosperity energy into you.


On to the Runic Astrology.


Manni the moon is hiding from the wolf Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. So look into your darkness, and see where the unresolved, the fear and the hidden lie, and do something about them.





Manni is filled with Dagaz initation energy, and Odin with Thurizaz focus are friends. Now is the time to look for the block in your emotions, or development that is stopping your excellence. Probably around how you use your magic, or your voice. Get focused and get deep.


Megalith is in play today too, and she is bringing developmental healing energy, she is looking to heal emotional wounds. Where has an emotional wound slowed you down? Have a look at that wound and what it needs to heal. That energy is present now.





Manni in Dagaz and is at war with Ageir also in Dagaz. This energy of activation is encouraging a change in your personal state. And probably in what you are working for. How independent are you feeling? As both these energies are bringing a change to you. Tap into your depths.


Freya in her runic energy of Fehu is mad at Thor, who is up to his waste in Laguz energy. There is a change is how your reputation or resources are accessed. Probably with personal relationships, or how you are seen personally. Thor here is bringing a better solution, Thor’s Laguz energy is definitely bringing a better result from the depths of your being.





Manni Dagaz. Fighting Thor Laguz. This energy is bringing the ‘Why not me’ sulky energy you may be feeling right now. Others may feel like, to you, that they are doing more cool stuff. They are not, your mind is lying too you. They have the same problems in life.  


Mann in Dagaz and Freya in Fehu, bringing all the happiness and resources. But you’ve got to act to get it. And act by stepping from the old into the new. Especialy around how you interact with people and money.


Odin in Thurizaz is fighting Tyr in Laguz. Look to where patterns and ideas are fixed and stuck. Let those stuck energies flow free and easy. Cut the links of the old patterns loose, let that stuff free. Make the change where the opportunity presents…




Today the opportunity presents.


Manni, Tiw and Urd working together. There is power to access and open the hidden potential. Look behind the curtain and see what this opportunity is. Consider what’s been on the back burner. What you’ve been putting off. Do it.




Manni is New in Uruz, all the power! RAAAAAWWWAAAAA!


Thor goes wandering today, as he does, but slowly, as he is huge. This energy is checking there is space here. Space to make sure you have the power and fortitude needed to have the victory you need. Actively choose the path of power. Thor is getting ready to bring that power to you. Just check where you’ve dropped it, as you had it a couple of months ago.


Make the alter in strength of you to bring this power to your world.


Odin, fighting Urd today too. Well, not getting on and playing “I’m not talking to you’. There is stubbornness coming through here. Check you are sure with your energy, and how you present in the world. Perhaps a change?



Manni in Thurizaz is friends with Thor in Berkanan, Tyr and Urd fighting. Someone is going to have tantrums about how awesome you are, probably they are jealous. It could be an organisation or structure that is causing problems. But ultimately its personality driven.




Manni and Odin both together in Ansuz. This is voice power and creativity flowing big. Very chatty energy, all the expression. All the singing today. Let that creativity and passion flow.


Loki against them, probably as they won’t let him sing, and he is in Algiz. Algiz driving for strong boundaries and standards, Loki checking all the structures are good, and Manni and Odin just wanting to sing. This is likely to be an interesting transition time. A chance to rebuild and reset your boundaries and structures. Re-draw the lines.


Have an amazing week. Let me know how it gets on.

big love



Rich xxx