Soul Maps and Hero Energy

Hi Radiant Human I hope you are good?


This week has been one of doing lots of soul map readings and making rune pendants. Soul maps are a potent way to connect to the energy of your being right now. Kind of like an MRI of your energies. I’m doing about three a day at the movement. And I love doing them! They provide so much insight into where you can lean into your experience of the world to achieve what you would like to achieve. I enjoy doing them, and I feel my clients enjoy the inisghts they get. Runes provide a very detailed, and at the same time, infuriatingly vague message. They work via metaphor. Asking you to feel into yourself what abundance means to you, or what change means, or defences. Each person has a different ideal of concepts. And those concepts change depending on the context. This is part of the frustration and joy of reading runes, and the soul map. Working out the clients interpretation of a concept, opposed to mine. As mine is coloured with all my pre-conceptions of the world. In the shamanic world its called being a hollow bone. Being a conduit for the divine to send the messages through, without you being in the way. Easier said than done, as I like most other people on the planet have been raised and conditioned to be me. What I do when I do a soul map or rune reading is that I’ve got to take the runic message from my rational brain and put it through my emotional brain. To make sure the metaphor of what is coming through is built on the constructs that the client needs to make it work.


Working with so much energy every day has been great in informing where I’m focusing my energies. As well as the not-so-subtle head slaps from deity’s as I work.

Our collective energies are flowing in Ingwaz’s vibe right now. With power and focus coming from the desire to change and evolve ourselves. Into the most potent heroic selves.


What does this look like in life? Well, we all have an energetic presence in the world, our threads connect to others we meet and interact with. Even that person who smells good on the street’s thread is interacting with yours today. When you start to evolve your energy into greater power and self-resourcing your auric field, your Hame will influence others around you. In a good way, we are, as humans on this planet genetically programmed to see where success is, and to model it. To see what works and be influenced by it. This is that Ingwaz energy that is flowing though the cosmos on invisible treads of epicenes. Everytime you pick up on those threads you inspire others around you. This is the heroic energy you bring. This transformational energy. When you let it activate you, you become the transmitter of this Ingwaz energy.  


We are floating in a soup of inspirational, evolutionary energy, and we stay there until Friday, the 27th, then mid afternoon we change our energies into Othala. As the rune of home, family, friends and the collective takes over.


During the next few days, its time for you to take heroic action. This is what the runes and the energies of the north call you todo. Act. You don’t have to run into burning buildings, unless, well you are a fire fighter. But, you can do the things you find scary. Make the appointment, break up with the toxic person, give your resume to that company that is just what you want. Get the number from the pretty person in the coffee shop. Trust your epic energies, when you feel that urge to act, then act. Even if it's a tiny squeak.


This is not an excuse to be a dick. Heroic energy is one of service and myth making. Stories of fools fade away, stories of people standing up and doing the right thing live. Be your own myth with this current Solar energy.


Remember that Odin is wandering and will be for another couple of weeks. Ingwaz is the All Fathers jam. He wants you to be heroic, to do things worthy of story. However, he is easily distracted right now, and over thinking is going to cause confusion. Trust your instincts. And if in doubt remember two main rules.


1.     Will this make a good story?

2.     Will I be alive to tell the story?

3.     What will I gain from this action, what is the cost?


There is a caveat. If you are under 21. Reverse the list.


As Odin is wandering, make sure that you communicate your heroic deeds clearly. Definitely brag, but do it without showing off. Being proud of your evolution is part of your growth. Not being ashamed of being awesome is part of being awesome.


Tyr is currently in the energy of Berkanan, the rune of biding ones time, and regrowth after the storm. I know you can feel the pressure building to do some big actions, but if you can wait until the 4th of June, then you are going to have a much easier time. Whatever storm you are weathering right now will break around then. Probably in dramatic fashion. Trust your friends, as you will be acting together to create massive change for both of you. For the next week or so, get your resources in order. Make sure you’ve got what you need, and if you need to act sooner, channel the grumpy bear energy, and coming out roaring! This roaring bear energy may not be the most subtle in the universe, it is however potent.


So, make a list, put down what you need before the change, before the break in the storm and make sure you are well resourced. If you are stalling, procrastinating, or wasting time, Tyr and Berkanan are not going to tolerate it. Storm or no storm this action and angry bear energy is going to push you from your cave into the world. And here is where the heroic Ingwaz energy you need comes in. Respond, act and move forward. No excuses, this is your life. Live it.


Remember please, that we move the times, and the times do not move us. (Yogi Bajan said something similar. As did Lisa Lister. Tyr can fire the ego if one is not aware of its influence. So become aware of where your pride and shame, and blame hide. As decisive heroic action can mask itself in the egoic traits, cheapening and tarnishing the epic nature of your act.  


Remember that action, can manifest in various ways. Tyr and Berkanan can deffo manifest into sex and relationships. More of a super passionate phase of firey romance, than a ‘this is the person I’m going to spend my life with’ energy. You’re in a relationship? Be prepared for the fire and remember wandering Odin. Fire and Miscommunication. That sounds fun.


Freya the goodess of Magic, the home, and love is moving through Ingwaz energy too. This is definite the energy you want to look for if you are building a relationship, family or home. There is huge potential here, this aspect is Freya as the mother and Valkyrie. She wants you to be epic in your home, love, and magic life. Couple that with the need to act with Tyr and Sunna and Ingwaz calling for evolution. This is big transformative energy, in your personal expression of being you.  All the intimate parts of you that you only let out when you feel safe are available to evolve in the next few days. Like I said at the beginning, look into where you can take action. And with Tyr and Berkanan energy, going deeper will be the way forward. Get you mind out of the gutter. Yes, also in that way.


On Sunday the 29th, you’ve got some epic coming. Tyr and Thor are together. Neither the most sublte gods. Both calling for action, both calling for lack of illusions. Both calling your personal spirt up to excel. Both thease energies are in Mannaz, the rune of the human spirit. Sunday is the day for you to lean into your intuition, your magic and your personal expression of you. Thor will fill you with power. But, make sure you are clear on what you want. As he is easily excited and will poor all the energy into you, and unless you say done, he will keep going. Trust your luck on Sunday too, Thor likes a lucky person. And Tyr definitely appreciates the luck around him. This energy has been building since 2011, so it’s got a good amount of potency behind it! Focus will make life easier, it’s hard to focus after the 10th cup of coffee though. That’s what its going to feel like. This is part of your initiation. Focus your energy where you want it and know that Freya is there to soften the blow, a little bit.


Have an awesome week.





I’ve got a new book contract


Runic Astrology: Heroes