Richard Lister: Be Like A Viking

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I am a story teller…

Hi awesome one,

Today I’ve a story for you, I’ve just done some camera training, and it’s me learning how to use a teleprompter. I probably need to adjust the word speed.

If you don’t want to read it, scroll down there is a video and an audio.

Take a breath.

Let me lead you down the path, the path of mist and memory.

The path that leads us back down to our beginning.

A path where millions have trod before.

Follow me if you dare. Down this mythic and winding path to a place and time where gods walked the land, where men were judged by their deeds and actions. Not by the words spewing from their mouths.

A time, and place, on the edge of the sea, where the Jarl, said Yarl to our modern tounge, the Jarl Whitgar lived with his hearthwearu, his bodyguard and advisors.

Whitgar in his prime was a warrior to be feared, he crushed his enemies and kept his people safe. The rivers and sea ran with salmon, the Elk in the woods multiplied and were culled. The goats gave up their milk with minimal fuss, for a goat.

The land was at peace each knew their place. They followed the old ways, ways that had worked since the times long ago.

Let me tell you a story of Whitgar and his draumblæti, his pride. As many men do, Whitgar converted his power. His men wore the scaly bright bryne metal armour, carried the dawn sharp swords. His spears shimmered in the light of the lamps in his hall. His people were content with their lot, as, as is the lot with people they did not know any other way. Whitgar kept them safe, and their animals multiplied, and their children grew.

One day a young woman moved to the woods at the edge of the village. She came, and paid respect to Whitgar and his men, she was a woman of the woods, a healer, a Völva, a Cunninga. Her hair braided in thick black tresses, her dress stitched with simple flowers and around her neck a silver chain with amber beads. Her wrists chimed with wood, bone and silver. Her name was Daga, and Whitgar took her offering of mushrooms and balm for his protection. He granted her permission to live in the woods edge, and make her life with her twin dogs Gersemi and Hnoss.

For Whitgar in his pride thought nothing of the raven-haired woman of the woods, he had sharp steel and strong arm, and the weight of ages backing his power.

As the seasons turned as they are want to do. The fish were smoked, the dear hunted, occasionally a boar was speared. The grain grew strong, the herbs sweet. The men went to war and came back singing their songs. The women mourned and the children grew. Life moved on much as it did before.

Daga bult her life in the woods, she made ointments in the eaves of the yew, potions with oak and sun spattered water. Raven and Magpie supped at her door, and her twin black dogs bathed in the sun. And the people came to her. The people came to have their ills tended, from sword slash to eye back. From boil to cramp, from bleed to birth, the people came. They gifted Daga bright silver and deep roots. Her dogs ate the offal of the hunt and she drank the nectar of the bees.

Life was good, and Whitgar and his men rubbed her liniments on old wounds, her magic dispelling the remembered pain. Deeming it a worth tax for his protection.

As all people know when the good times come, there must be also a time of strife, and struggle. This is the way of the gods. It is a mark of one’s character how one tolerates and manages this time of pain and strife.

And in Whitgar’s land this was no different, one summer the Goddess Sunna shone. From the rise of the bluebells to the fall of the leaves she did not stop.

The river began to run dirty and shallow. The deer became scares and thin, the grain brittle and hard.

The cold months were not harsh, but the rains did not fall. And the people began to hunger and suffer. Whitgar in his hall saw this, and his men went to raid other villages. But all the land suffered under the suns relentless hammer blows.

Within the woods Daga made her potions, cast her runes and picked her mushrooms.

Then when the days became longer the rains did not come. The river was foul and muddy. The wells dry. The people came to Daga, for her healing herbs, of Bethany, of Plantain, of Nettle and Daisy. Herbs of heart, of belly, of bone and skin.

Whitgar could not provide for his people as the food stores ran short, and the trees bore no fruit. The game moved away and the people suffered.

Daga, she of the woods made her potions at the roots of the yew and oak. She harvested the honey from the bole of the Ash. She drank the sap of the birch, and she shared her abundance.

And the people thanked her and spoke of her.

And Whitgar brooded.

His power rested in the might of his spear arm, that still bulged with sinewy muscles. The glittering coats of his men and the stout shields they carried. All this might was as nothing when the people needed food to fill their bellies and water to slake their thirst.




His power, supreme in that of the village was slipping in his mind. Slipping to Daga the woman of the woods who shared her healing and bounty.

The raven-haired woman healed and nurtured. Nursed and birthed. Whitgar’s anger and bitterness grew.

On the moon of midsommer, he and his warriors clad in glittering battle array surrounded the small house in the woods, whose herbs grew pungent and deep.

They called on her, the Woman who nurtures and heals, to surrender herself to them for punishment of talking sedition about the Jarl.

Surprised and shocked Daga calmed her dogs Gersemi and Hnoss, and stepped from the doorway bowing to the angry Lord.

‘My Jarl’, she said in difference bowing. ‘What do I owe this honour of you and your men clad in shining war steal and weapons sharp?’

The Jarl scowled and his course battle boot crushed a blossoming mantle of the lady. ‘You, woman ferment rebellion and tratorish behaviour against me and mine, in my own village. You will be held for trial’

With a shocked bow the raven one of the woods followed the mighty champions of battle to the pit of guilty.

Her slight arms bruised by rough war steel and her night black locks knocked free by the battle-ash of the spears.

When Sunnas eye was at its peak the brooding Jarl stood on the law space and spoke of how Daya had tried to ferment rebellion and hate. How her magic had caused the drought and famine. How her punishment would be to lose her home, and to be cast into the woods.

The people, the people who had been nurtured and healed by Daga’s touch were confused. The Jarl spoke with authority. Some nodded acceptance, the others, they had anger and shock in their hearts and eyes.

Strife gauntlets and blood stained battle fingers seized the wooded maids store of potions and lotions, taken to the home of the Jarl.

The war clad warriors with raging infernos in their hands threw fire into the thatch of Daga’s home, and the twin dogs ran yelping into the woods. War boot and corse hand destroyed the medicine and herbs that grew in the peaceful garden. And the Jarls judgment was done.

Daga left the village, her necklace of silver and amber torn, her dress dirtied and her bangles jingling.

And as the cycle of things came to be the rains came, and Whitgar took this as his judgement being just. The crops grew, and the game returned.

But the people suffered. They needed the healing and nursing of the Raven-Haired woman of the woods. The crops grew, and so did the boils and pus.

Balms the wood-woman would have made were re-created with half remembered stories. Whitgars wounds ached and soon his horde of liniment was gone. He demanded the women of the village make him more. Stories half told; songs half remembered guided hands half knowing to make the potions.

That night when the people presented the potion to their Jarl he applied it and went to bed.

The jarl awoke as Manni the moon was at his peak, full and beaming down. Watching what would happen.

Whitgar lost in a fit of the most vile skin itch realed around his hall, searching desperately for relief from the torment of his skin. In his rage he knocked down a torch into the rushes.

Whitgars itch did not last long, nor did that of his men. As flames consumed them, burned them. Flames of their own making. Of their own hubris.

Watched from the woods by two black dogs and a raven in the trees.

Here it is as a video

And an audio:

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Whitgar and Daga Richard LIster

There is another video that sums it up pretty well here:

And now onto the astrology.

Ageir is in retrograde this week, the god of the see usually brings mists and fog, as well as untapped depths. The mystic nature of the sea is held here too. When Ageir changes his movements he begins to show what is hidden, much like the tide going out. You get the see what has been hidden by the depths. Pathways and Secrets may be illuminated this week, and confusion may drop off.

Double check the decisions you’ve made that you are not so shore of too, as they may need re-visiting.


Power Birth Runes: Ingwaz (Double it up)

We begin with Manni the moon hiding from the wolf. This will go on until Wodinsdag morning.

Manni and Freya are together, this happens once a month, and this energy is very flirtatious and fun. Its time to get your people game on, by interacting with others and being vivatious.

Thor is in berkana almost ready to move into Ehwaz, but not yet. This energy has huge potential for building relationships and new friendships. More so early Monday morning. But, coming out of the cave to sew new growth will not hurt you at all. You will have abundance of joy if you step from your cave to play with others. Especially in a magical mystical way.


Power Birth Runes: Ingwaz. Othala

Manni and Odin are in Othala, lots of happy close energy here. Build relationships, especially as Thor is moving into Ehwaz.

Tyr and Loki are working together Tyr in Mannaz and Loki in Sowelio. Both these gods like a plan, one to mess with it, and the other to execute it. There is a lot of potential here, with planning for the future and a mystical future at that. Make plans that lean into your abilities and magic, and don’t be afraid to follow the path less travelled. Also, not the subtle path. It’s going to be an experience if you action it. A beneficial one.


Power runes: Dagaz, and Dagaz. All the power to Dagaz today!

Manni is in Dagaz, and is in cahoots with Loki, lean into all the communications today. Especially later in the day. Check your emails and reach out to people. Begin new enterprises, ask for what you need to move forward.

Manni and Ageir are together, even though Ageir is wandering, the fog around that situation will clear slightly. Watch your footing as you move into it, as it may not be as firm as you thought. Also. All the magic today. It’s a day to trust your spidey senses. Take the opportunity to delve the depts of a situation, you’ll probably find some gold. But it will be covered in yuck.


Power runes: Fehu and Dagaz.

New moon in Fehu, so there is some new abundance energy flowing here. Manifest your fortune. Hold the intention for the energy path to lead you to your manifestation.

Fehu and Manni are confronting Thor in Berkanana. There is a hidden aspect witin your business or way of making money that is needing to be found. Found so you can begin to grow more effectively. Perhaps is your own self worth? FYI you are allowed to be abundant. If you need help ask for it.

Manni in Fehu and Mengloth in Ehwaz are not speaking either, this implies a miss communication around an old wound with your trust or friends. There may well be an emotional charge here. Let it out. It may go bang. But the space left will fill with gold.


Power runes: Uruz and Dagaz

Manni is in Uruz, with Aeigr on side too. This is a time to get stubborn and direct. Meditation will be a huge source of power for you. Ritualise it, make it a mystic as possible, if you have costume or all the trappings this is the way to go. Make it flamboyant. This energy is going to help you crush negative self talk and other shadows in your life.

Mani confronts Tyr. There is emotional warrior unlocking here. Don’t take any stick in your world today. As Tyr is making sure your defences are in place. Look to where you need to armour up. Look for the week points, where can a barbed word destroy your day. Tiw does not like the avoidance that Manni loves and will push you to conflate the situation. The situation that is causing you to get your warrior on.

Mirmir opposes Manni, this is transformational energy, realise your own power and venerability. Work together with someone you trust to create epic adventures.


Power runes: Dagaz, Uruz and Thurizaz

New moon in Uruz, in a new month. Its July! Where has the freaking year gone!

Thor and Manni are togther, this is awesome energy, playful and fun. Look for common ground with people, this will lead to victory. People will want to be around you.


Power Runes: Dagaz and Thurizaz

Mani confronts Urd, this is drama energy. Like Love Island drama. Especialy Saturday PM. There will be an unexpected change.

Tir confront Mirmir too, asking if we should do thing thing, or not. Or should we, or not. This is very confusing too!

Follow Odin and Loki who are friendly. Make a plan. A whacky one.

Know there is energy of unmasking and revilement later in the afternoon UK time. So there may be an interesting surprise.

To know your power runes for your week get yourself a birth rune reading:

See this product in the original post

I hope that is useful for you radiant one.

Have a great week.

big love

Rich xxx